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Basic Rules for Combating Slowness in Golf

Golf is a beautiful sport that helps not only the body but also the soul. However, it is worth noting that it is not suitable for everyone. For a quality game, you need perseverance, endurance, and quite a lot of free time. However, if you like golf but don’t like its slowness, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s figure out together which rules will help you significantly reduce the time spent on the field and do more things!

List of Tips to Speed up the Game

  1. If you are playing with partners, then try not to move around the field in a group. After all, each of you has your own balls, and if you spread out, the game will go much faster.
  2. Remember that each field has its own level of difficulty, and if you are a beginner, then you should not move on to the next stage without proper preparation. Otherwise, you will simply increase the number of strokes required. And this, in turn, may begin to annoy you and take extra time.
  3. Don’t waste your time. On the way to the ball, you can already plan your next shot and come to the place with a ready plan of action.
  4. Don’t talk. Conversations during golf games take up a lot of extra time that you could spend usefully. However, since this is what many people come to the field for, then try to train yourself not to be distracted by talking while making or planning a shot. Then your results will be much higher!
  5. Don’t be afraid to use makeshift balls. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to quickly find the lost ball. To do this, the concept of a temporary ball was introduced into the game, which you can use in any situation. You have every right to do so.
  6. Learn how to properly use a golf cart. If you’re playing with a partner, it makes more sense not to wait for someone else to hit. Drop off your partner and drive towards your destination. So you can save a lot of time spent waiting for other golfers.

In addition, remember that there are certain rules for parking a car. You should not put it in close proximity to the green. Otherwise, it will come out sideways to you.

Don’t be afraid to try golf!

Golf may surprise you! All the disadvantages that you attribute to him, in fact, can become excellent advantages. So don’t waste your time and try signing up for your first game today!